Find focus – we have 3 tips

Happy New Year!

New year and new opportunities! The holidays have hopefully included time with family and friends and rest to strengthen for spring. But it can feel a bit tough to get started, what do I actually do at work? That’s why we want to share 3 tips that will help you find focus.

1, start with something small

There is advice that says to do the most difficult thing first, but when it is difficult to find focus, it can be good to do just the opposite. Pick something small on your todo list and get it done. You’re done, you can pat yourself on the back and check off the task. Now that you’ve started, it’s just as well to move on to the next thing!

2, take a micro break

Breaks are important to be able to stay focused, therefore you should never skip coffee and lunch. But on days it’s tough and you need to dig deep to find focus and flow, micro-breaks can be your best friend. Close your eyes and breathe, look out a window, take the opportunity to empty the dishwasher or take a short walk around the office. Your break should be deliberate, short and not include a screen.

3, be kind to yourself

It is not human to be at your best every day of the week and deliver with focus and energy. It’s okay to have a day that feels a little unfocused and you need to be kind to yourself when that happens. Otherwise, the risk is that you will become stressed and lose even more energy. Such a day is perfect to take a colleague for a walk and talk about something you need to solve together.

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