New year, new opportunities!

New Year!

And suddenly it’s time for all the big changes, right?

A new year definitely brings opportunities, but don’t think that everything will happen all at once, right away. If you do, the risk of another year of failed new year’s resolutions increases. 

Change takes time and must be done with motivation and thought. If more people are involved, as in a workplace for example, anchoring must also be planned as part of the process.


Start by thinking through why change is important. Your why is the basis of motivation for yourself and others. Changing something just because it’s the new year or because you always do it in January is rarely a really good reason why.

Small steps lead to big opportunities

Once you have established why you can move on to how and when. And now it is important to think in small steps. Some even believe that small steps are not enough, you have to think in micro-steps.

Make a small change and continue with it until it works, or revise and redo it until it feels right. Then you take the next small step and do the same thing.

Evaluating, adjusting, and practicing is important to really create change because that’s when you absorb the new and learn along the way.

From us here at Walking Talking we wish you good luck and keep up the good work!
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