Step by step towards effective teams

Team building with a scientific basis
Maybe you recognize yourself – or even plan an activity like this. You see that you need to do something extra for the employees to feel included and engaged and are looking for what can help.
Team building in the form described above is often a waste of time and money, according to Dr. Susan A Wheelan, creator of today’s only scientifically validated group development model IMGD (Integrated Model of Group Development).
She and her team, who have devoted 30 years of research specifically to group development, have taken all the research available in the field, compiled it, and tested it.
Today, they have huge amounts of data about groups that work and are continuously measured to get answers about how the group is developing and what actually makes them effective teams. In her research, she has been able to prove that all groups, without exception, go through the same four well-defined stages before winding down to a fifth.
Efficient and productive teams
Susan Wheelan and her team believe that team building in the sense that at a conference we are sent into various chaotic exercises is quite useless and can even be harmful to the team by helping to create conflict.
What they have been able to show is that some important prerequisites and methods need to be in place for teams to take the steps forward and leave the stages characterized by getting to know each other, inefficiency, conflict.
The research group has developed and scientifically validated tool GDQ (Group Development Questionnaire) over several decades to determine how a group’s stage of development can be determined.
Here you get an insight into what conditions the team needs and some different methods to use to make groups into efficient and productive teams.