Data & account deletion
If you, for any reason, want your account and all or some of its data removed from our platform (Academy, Walking Talking app), please write to our support and request its removal. We will process your request and ensure that your information is deleted.
How to request data & account deletion:
Send your email to the following adress:
Please make sure to add “Account deletion” as the subject.
Data types
We delete all personal information within 30 days from our customers request. Data connected to payments is depersonalised and saved for legal reasons due to accounting purposes.
Data types that are removed upon request:
- Personal information
- Messages
- Fitness data
- User content
- Photos
To learn more about what data we collect and for what purpose please refer to our privacy policy.
Data types that are kept:
- Depersonalised transaction information (If payment transactions are applicable to the customer).